One Time

Make a one time donation to Licking County Humane Society.


Pledge an ongoing monthly donation to Licking County Humane Society.

Round Up

Round-Up your purchases to the next dollar by linking your debit/credit card.

Thornwood Society

THE THORNWOOD SOCIETY – In 2013, the Humane Society took a major step forward moving into an expanded, and vastly improved shelter on Thornwood Drive. The move was a major step in the right direction – we save more animals and are in a better position to fulfill our mission. Members of the Thornwood Society help ensure that the new shelter isn’t an end, but a beginning.

The Thornwood Society is for individuals who want to ensure that their beloved pets have a safe home, should they outlive their owner. It also gives the owner an opportunity to invest in the mission of LCHS and to make a difference for homeless, abused, and neglected animals in Licking County.

It recognizes individuals and families who have invested in our future by making a planned gift in their wills, trusts or estate plans. Everyone can leave something. A simple commitment of 5% of an insurance policy or retirement plan can safeguard your loved ones and provide for the care and safety of Licking County’s homeless, abused and neglected pets.

There are many ways to leave a gift. It is not the business of Licking County Humane Society to guide your estate planning. All we ask is that you let us know of your desire to include us in your estate plan. No commitment of amount is necessary, only your intent to remember our special pets in your plans. Each member of the Thornwood Society is announced with a gold leaf on our Legacy Tree, which is prominently displayed at the shelter. Members also receive free tickets to LCHS events, special mention in our Annual Report, and the promise that should a Thornwood Society member pass, LCHS will take care of their beloved pet until adopted by a loving family. 

Please notify us today if you’ve included the Licking County Humane Society in your will, trust or estate plans so that we can invite you to the Thornwood Society.

If you’d like further information about including the Licking County Humane Society in your estate plans, contact us today at  740-323-2100 or by email at

Use Your Kroger Plus Card to Help LCHS

When you use your Kroger Plus Card to buy groceries,  Kroger will contribute 5% of what you spend to LCHS (up to a maximum of $300 per household or $1,200 a year per family). This does not affect your fuel rewards!

Simply register your Kroger Plus Card with the Community Rewards Program by visiting this link:

If you haven’t registered your card yet under your name, you will have to do that first, then click on the Community Rewards Program to sign up for the Humane Society. Our account number is VV551.

Kroger Boogie

Our Wish List

Support the Licking County Humane Society by donating a much-needed item from our wish list! Our pets will be forever grateful.

If you shop on Chewy and/or Amazon, click on our Chewy or Amazon wish lists below. You can pick what you would like to donate, and it will be shipped right to us!

Most Urgent Needs

  • Antibacterial Hand Soap (individual containers or large refill jugs; both are great)
  • Non-clumping kitty litter (for kittens) 
  • Disinfecting Bleach (NOT the low/no splash variety)
  • Paper Towels
  • Dawn Dish Soap
  • Laundry Detergent
  • Disposable Gloves
  • Distilled Water
  • Printer/Copy Paper
  • Trash Bags (Kitchen and 55 gallon)
  • Postage Stamps
  • Spray Cheese
  • Pill Pockets
  • Gas gift cards

Other Wish List Items:

  • 8-6 gig flash drives
  • Feliway Spray
  • Batteries: D & AA
  • Wild Bird Seed
  • Poop Scooper (metal pan and spade)

Don’t Forget Gift Cards:

  • Walmart
  • Petco
  • Car Wash/Oil Change
  • Lowes
  • Staples

Thank you for helping our animals! 

All donations are tax deductible!

Licking County Humane Society is a non-profit organization devoted to the humane treatment of animals.